Monday, February 21, 2011

Couch to 10k

January 2011...that's when I started running. I used to run...let's say "run"...last summer. I say "run" because I would only go when I could convince my sister (who just had a baby) to go with me...and then we would only run for about 15 min. and come home. It felt good to go out though...running through the park, getting that heart rate up...feeling a part something.
I don't consider myself to be a "runner". I still have those moments when I say "AHH!! I've only been running for 15 minutes!!!" and wish I could just quit. BUT I DO have those moments when I can't wait to get on that treadmill and erase the feelings of the day. I don't run fast...I don't run for long...only 2 miles every other day. When I started I couldn't run for 10 minutes. I would force myself to stay on for a half an hour...walking, then running, then walking and walking and walking...haha!! I record my progress every run and every run I get faster and stronger. My first recorded day I ran 1.3 miles in a half an hour...well...mostly walking. Now I RUN 2 miles in a half an hour.
My biggest hurdle in this is my the fact that I have splints of all kinds and Achilles Tendinitis. I stand on cement all day at my job and it has taken it's toll on me. I also broke my foot a few years back and it still comes back to haunt me. I used to be so sore that I couldn't walk!! I would sit with a bag of frozen ravioli on my legs just so I could get back on the treadmill.

What I learned was to STRETCH really really stretch before you start. Another thing I learned is to take it slow. I decided that instead of getting a good time on the treadmill...that I would start slow and work my way up at a healthy pace. That's where I am now. A slow, but healthy pace...that's enjoyable...not painful.

Some friends and I are planning on running a 10k marathon in the fall. I have a lot of time to prepare...I'm still kind of nervous...and it's not even that far!! Haha! Right now it seems that way. My goal to run 5k everyday and FINALLY consider myself to be a runner.

As for now...runner in training is ok with me.

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