Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Colour of Friendship

I had to work with this awful woman the other day...

I work with some pretty awesome people...but once and a while I have to work with someone really awful!! This woman was rude, narcissistic, and cranky. I was obligated to ask her questions (otherwise I wouldn't have spoken to her), and every question was answered with a sarcastic or rude answer. I felt like she was saying "Well DUH!!" to my every question and I was trying my hardest to kill her with kindness and be patient. In her mind...she deserved my kindness.
As I was TRYING to work with her and my patience was quickly escaping me, I realized that this woman most likely has no friends. Not to say she has no social life or people around her...but no REAL friends. She is probably the one with all the latest gossip...and people eat it up...but don't respect her because, well, she's a gossip. Or the one that will get you the best deal because she will threaten the employees at the store/restaurant/event to get her way. You benefit from her bad behavior but only like her when she she gets you a deal...otherwise she is kind of embarrassing to be around.
...Ya, that kind of person.
Rude people weren't rude to you first.
They are "rude experts". They are really good at it. And soon they will "rude away" (if you will) all the potential good friends that may enter their lives.
I have a few best friends...some good friends...some day to day friends...and some acquaintances. No enemies as far as I can tell. I like to think I'm a good friend. I listen, give advice when asked, apologize if I said something wrong, give love, accept love, encourage and protect.
I had a friend tell me one time that if anything bad happens to happens to her. Like if I find myself crying at night because of a bad situation...I can be sure that she has shed some tears for me about the same situation. She loves me like she loves herself.
The same day I worked with "the rude lady" was the same day I may have offended a friend of mine. I had texted her to tell her I was sorry (it was a minor offense...if it was big I would NOT have apologized through test message) and she wrote me back and told me she forgave me. A few minutes later she told me that she loved me and that I'm a good friend. That made me feel GREAT!!
You teach people how to treat you.

Give love...and you receive love. It's what I'm all about these days...

take it easy...

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